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What are the Prerequisites for Applying for MS?

There are a number of parameters graduate schools will look into when they consider your MS application. The first and most important parameter is your academic performance. Though the schools will ask you to submit your entire academic performance record right from your 10th class, your performance in your graduation is what is going to tilt the balance. Statement of purpose is another important parameter that graduate schools look into when they consider your application. SOP is nothing but a summary of your resume. It should answer questions such as; Why do you want do an MS, Why in a particular field of your choice?, What are your achievements so far in that particular field so far? What is your motivation?, what are your future plans after completing your MS?. LOR or letter of recommendation is another very important prerequisite for your grad admission.  ECA or extracurricular activities such as your participation in sports or arts related activities or charitable works may also fit the bill. Your membership in NSS or NCC may also help enhance your overall profile. GRE score TOEFL or IELTS score will play a major role in deciding your entry in to the grad school. You will also need bank statement and a sponsor’s affidavit to submit at the grad school.

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