satThe SAT reasoning test is a globally recognized college admission test. The SAT is offered seven times each year in the U.S. and six times internationally.  It is offered in October, November, December, January, March, May and June.

Who accepts SAT?

Undergraduate programs in North America consider the test a mandatory admission requirement. Even some undergraduate colleges in Asia and Europe also accept SAT.

Structure of the test

SAT Section Type of questions No of questions Time Score
Critical reading Sentence Completion 19 Two 25 min sectionsOne  20 min section
Passage based reading 48
Total 67 70 min 800
Writing Identifying sentence errors 18 Two 25 min sectionsOne  10 min sectionEssay 25 min
Improving Sentences 25
Improving Paragraphs   6
Essay   1 25min 0-6
Total 49+1 essay 85min 800
Mathematics Multiple choice 44 Two 25 min sectionsOne  20 min section
Grid-in 10
Total 54 70 min 800
Grand Total  3hr  45min 2400

Critical Reading Section

The section consists of two different types of questions: passage based reading and sentence completion. The reading compression presents passages from variety of backgrounds. The passages are of three types: long, short and paired. Sentence completions questions are more or like fill in the blank questions. They present a sentence with one or more blanks. The test taker will have to choose the right word for the blank from the given choices.

Writing Section

The section includes a short essay and multiple-choice questions on identifying errors and improving grammar and usage. Identifying sentence error questions tests the ability to pick grammatical and stylistic errors at word level where as the improving sentence questions and improving paragraph questions test tests the ability to pick the same errors at sentence at sentence and paragraph level.

Mathematics Section

The section includes questions on arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability. There are multiple choice questions and student produced responses or grid-ins. The grid in questions requires the student to key in the responses rather picking from the given choices.

Experimental Section

Apart from the regular sections the test may also have an unidentifiable un-scored experimental section. The experimental section will look like the same as the   other regular sections but does not count towards the test takers’ score.  The experimental section can either be one of the language sections or a mathematics section. As it is not possible to identify the experimental section from the mix, test takers are advised to try their best on every section.

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