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How can I prepare for the GRE revised general test?

You should start your GRE preparation at least 2-3 months prior to your planned test date. You can always start by understanding the test structure, quest ions types and time allocated for each section. After enlightening yourself with the basics of the GRE test, you should choose your materials for study. The materials can be a combination of hard copies and soft copies of relevant documents. The official guide for GRE published by ETS is an ideal material to start with as it gives us an overall idea of the test. For additional practice there are a variety of materials available in the market. Barron, Magoosh, Manhattan GRE (not Manhattan Review in Hyderabad) all provides excellent materials for study. Major is a website is where you can go for a free practice tests. You can additionally by the official verbal and quant review materials published by ETS.

Though a minority of students can prepare for the test by themselves, most students need expert assistance for the preparation. So check out the best GRE coaching centers in your area and start your training programs. Ideally your GRE training program should last for 1.5months to 2 months. Once you are done with test preparation for GRE. Review the content and strategies for at least 15 days. The revision can go up to 30 days; but if you spend more time for revision it is quite possible that you may forget the things that are taught in the training program. So take the test after 15 to 30 of your training. All the best with your GRE tests folks.

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