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How to tackle the Reading comprehension section in the GRE revised general test?

The reading comprehension section in the GRE revised general test assumes a lot of importance as it constitutes 50% the verbal questions. It means that out of the 40 verbal questions you get 20 questions will be from reading comprehension. Though it is the largest chunk of your GRE verbal questions, it is not necessary that you spend a more time on your RC rather than your SC or TC; in fact you should do the opposite!!! Confused? Let me explain: we all know a GRE test taker needs time to understand an RC passage in order to answer it properly. However the nagging question is where will you get the time to do your RC? We cannot manufacture time is an accepted fact. Then what is the way out? You have to sacrifice time on some other section. But which section? Obviously it should be either Sentence equivalence or Text completion. But in order to do that we should have excellent command over GREvocabulary. In short we now that scoring RC mean learning vocabulary.

You should also understand that there are different types of Reading comprehension passages such as Short passages, long passages and logic-based passages in GRE. You should also have different types of strategies and methods for each type of these passages. As GRE reading comprehension presents a wide variety of question types the test taker should also be familiar with these questions types. Since GRE test creators confuse you also with carefully crafted answer choices, it is imperative that you also work on and study those choices and their logical composition. In short, you should have an idea about different types of passages, questions and answer choices. Then obviously practicing some passages won’t hurt you at all.

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