How much time should I spend for my GRE Coaching and preparation?

GRE coachingThis is a very important question that every GRE test taker should ask. To start with let us agree with the fact that every GRE test taker is not equally competent so there is no universal plan for everyone. However we can always consider the average student. On an average most Indian students write their GRE exam in the 3rd month after they start their GRE Coaching. So let us have a thorough look at the entire time plan for GRE preparation.

Pre-GRE coaching period

This time period starts with the student’s final decision to write the GRE exam. Most often this time is spent for deciding the Best GRE coaching center or the Best GRE material to follow. This period can last anything between a few days to a few years. However on an average it is a few weeks. Most engineering students take their GRE exam either after their 3rd year or on completion of their final exams. This period should be spent for collecting information about the GRE examination and college admission process in the US.

GRE coaching period

Most institutes complete their GRE coaching program within one and half months time though there are crash GRE coaching programs that will last for only a month. There are institutes that offer two month programs as well.  A one and half month GRE program is ideal for most students. The GRE coaching period should be spent on understanding the concepts, strategies, tips, and tricks to tackle various question types that you will encounter in the real GRE exam   

Post GRE coaching period

This is the time period between the completion of the GRE coaching and GRE exam date. Ideally this period should be fifteen days to one month. This time should be used afor revision and taking mock tests. A day or two before the examination is for relaxation and de-stressing.  Don’t burn the midnight oil on the eve of your examination rather just sleep it off!!

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