Best OET Coaching Centre in Kerala

Brooklyn Review is considered the Best Online OET Coaching Center in kerala by our students and Industry experts alike. We cater into all 12 professions comes under the umbrella of OET. If you are looking for the top Online coaching for OET please feel free to call us on 9133850055 or mail us on If you want know more about OET please read on.

What Will You Get from Brooklyn Review OET Online Training Package

  1. Live video sessions
  2. Skype interaction
  3. PPTs -based instruction
  4. Whiteboard sharing
  5. Mock tests
  6. Unlimited practice
  7. Exhaustive resources
  8. Trained and certified faculty
  9. Reasonable price
  10. Unlimited evaluation
  11. Live mock interviews


OET is  an English language test tailor made for appraising  the English language skills of healthcare professionals who plan  to register and practise in an English speaking setting. OET stands for Occupational English Test.

Though there are a number of English Language proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE, OETcarved a niche for itself in test prep domain. Health care professionals and students choose OETover other English language proficiency tests because OET is specifically calibrated to help them prove their English language proficiency in their intended areas of work or study.

As the setting, information,  and vocabulary used in OET is more healthcare-centered, health care professionals will be much more confidant in taking the test because they are dealing with something they know intimately. Health care organizations and watchdogs prefer OET  as it helps them  hand-pick the best healthcare personnel  with the stipulated level of English language proficiency  required to provide  safe and high quality  care. These  organizations will be much more keen to accept  OET as a prerequisite as it tests language skills that the candidates are going to use in a real life professional situation. OET  has been  created specifically  for  healthcare professionals in 12 different segments.

The Twelve Healthcare Professions that OET Covers

  • Dentistry,
  • Dietetics,
  • Medicine,
  • Nursing,
  • Occupational Therapy,
  • Optometry,
  • Pharmacy,
  • Physiotherapy,
  • Podiatry,
  • Radiography,
  • Speech Pathology
  • Veterinary Science. 

If you are looking for online OET training from the Best: Call Brooklyn Review on 9133850055

OET Test Format

Just as all other English language proficiency tests  such as IELTS, TOEFL and PTE, OET measures your ability in four different areas of language. The reading and listening are common across the twelve specialties, whereas writing and speaking are different for different specialization areas.

  • Reading –  Common for  all twelve professions – 60 Minutes
  • Listening- Common for  all twelve professions – 45 Minutes
  • Writing   – Profession specific-                          – 45 Minutes
  • Speaking.- Profession specific                            – 20 Minutes
Module# of Parts# of QuestionsTypes of materials/tasksDuration
Listening sub-test342 questionsconsultation extracts, workplace extracts, presentation extracts45 Minutes
Reading sub-test342 questionsExpeditious reading task Careful reading tasks60 Minutes
Writing Sub-test11 QuestionReferral letter, Transfer letter, discharge letter, Advise letter, Response to complaint letter45 minutes
Speaking Sub-test22Role play20 minutes

OET Listening  Sub-test

Comprised of three parts the OET listening sub test challenges the test-taker with 42 questions. The  topics covered  are generic in nature and can be easily related and understood by healthcare professionals across the spectrum. The entire audio for the listening test will last for 40 minutes, which includes recorded speeches as well as pauses.  An OET  test-taker will hear each audio just once only and is supposed to write down answers while listening.

The Structure of the OET Listening Sub-test

The listening sub tests has three different parts called Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A  of OET listening sub-test presents the test taker with  extracts from consultations. The duration of each of these two consultation extract would be 5 minutes each. Part A measures your ability to understand specific information from a recorded consultation between  a patient and a healthcare professional. The information the test taker grasps from the consultation should be used to  complete  the notes of the health care professional.

Part B of the OET listening sub-test presents the test taker with 6 short workplace extracts and the test taker will have to answer, one Multiple choice question from each of these extracts. The section measures the test-takers ability to understand summary, details, point of view or objectives  various stake holders in the healthcare workplace. The situations presented to the test- takers are team interactions, duty handovers,  even patient-professional conversations.

Part C of the OET listening sub-test challengesthe test- taker with a recorded presentation or an interview. The topics would be common across healthcare specialties and could be understood by anyone in the healthcare industry easily. Each extract presents  the test taker with 6 questions each. Duration of the extracts would be 5 minutes each.

PartType of materialsType of questionsNumber of questionsDuration
Aconsultation extractsNotes completion2411 min (approximately)
Bshort workplace extractsMultiple choice questions  69 min (approximately)
C  presentation /interview extractsPresentation extracts1220 min (approximately)  

The OET listening  is designed to evaluate five distinct types of information. The listening test certainly want the test -taker to identify specific information. It also expect the candidates to get the details from the recordings. Ability to understand the summary is another important skill that is tested in the OET listening. Speakers point of view or objective should also be understood by the test-takers. The best part about the OET listening test is that it does not complicate things because it simply uses only two different questions types. The two types questions that are used in OET listening are Notes completion and multiple choice questions. 

The OET Listening test is evaluated partly by humans and partly by machines. The Part A is evaluated by trained and certified OET evaluators who double-mark the answers for ensuring accuracy. To avoid discrepancies emerging from conflict of interest,  normally a random assignment method of answers is used.  Part B and C of the OET listening is evaluated by computers.  The machine evaluation process consists of two steps: first automatic scanning of the answers and second scoring.

The human evaluation of the test is done not based on the interpretation of the individual evaluators or assessors rather it is done adhering  strictly to the marking guide.  Even the evaluators undergo scrutiny  for ensuring aptness and reliability.

The OET Reading Sub-Test

Spanning across three parts  and a with a total duration of 60 minutes, the OET reading sub-test  presents the test -taker with 42 questions that are drawn from common healthcare topics that can be easily understood by prospective test takers across all twelve professions that are covered in the OET examination. Two different type of reading style could be employed to ace the test because Part A of OET reading sub test  presents you with the expeditious reading takes where as part B & C presents the test taker with ‘careful reading task.

Part A- Expeditious Reading Task- 15 Minutes

As the name suggests this part measures the test-takers ability to identify specific information within a very short time span effectively. 20 questions drawn from four short texts concerning a single healthcare topic are presented to the test taker. In this the segment the test-taker will encounter questions types such as, sentence completion, matching and short answer questions

Part B & Part C- 45 Minutes         

Part -B-careful reading tasks

In part B of the OET Reading subtest, the test taker  should read and understand six short texts  obtained from a healthcare context. Each of these 100-150 long texts might be drawn from policy papers, hospital rules, handbooks. The texts might also be taken from electronic mails or memos used for communication within the healthcare establishments. Each of this text is followed by one multiple choice question  with three options.  

Part -C- careful reading task

Aimed at measuring the test-taker’s comprehension of detailed meaning and points of view  from lengthy texts, section C of the  OET reading subtest comes with two 800 word long  texts with 8 multiped choice question for each text.  Each of these 16 Multiple choice questions carry 4 options each for the test taker to choose from. 

Part A is literally a  race  against time as  the test taker is supposed complete, 20 questions within the stipulated time of 15 minutes. This certainly challenges test -taker’s ability to quickly read the text verbatim or browse the text cursorily. Apart from  one’s facility with English Language in general,  one must also rely on his or her understanding of  practices used in medical documentation as well as presentation of numbers and textual content. The key in OET reading sub-tests is identifying factual information rather than opinions or summary.

While part A requires a worm’s eye view to be successful part B & C rely heavily on a Birds’ eye view. Part B focuses on ideas at sentence level, which means that  the test taker has to get a hold of the details, summary and even the main idea of the  passages. The passages or texts will normally be drawn from intricate documents found in healthcare establishments. Part C

Checks whether test taker can read lengthy texts and comprehend a variety of factors such as direct or inferred information as well as authors point of view or mindset. Understanding of complex vocabulary and sentence fragments also takes you a long way in properly answering the questions in this section.

PartTypes of materialsTypes of questions# of questionsDuration
A  4 Short texts (Expeditious reading)Matching, Sentence completion, Short answer2015 minutes
B6 Short texts (100-150 words) Careful reading3-Option Multiple choice questions645 minutes (Common for B&C)
CLong texts 800 words Careful reading4-option Multiple choice questions1645 minutes (Common for B&C)

OET Writing Sub-Test

The OET  writing subtest  presents the taker with a profession specific writing task, which lasts for 45 minutes. The test taker will be given task instruction and stimulus material . The task ideally is writing a letter such as referral letter. Some times test – takers are supposed to write other types of letters such as Transfer letter, Discharge letter, advise/inform letter, and response to a complaint letter.

The OET writing subtest is evaluated by two separate evaluators each one  is completely oblivious to the score assigned by the other evaluator or  the test taker’s scores in the other subtests. OET Writing sub test is scored based on six basic parameters such as the. Purpose, Content. Conciseness & Clarity,  Genre & Style, Organization & Layout and Language.  The test taker will receive a band score for each of this  criterion.

PartTypes of materialType of questionsWord limitDuration
  1.Reading timeInstruction, Stimulus Material  5 minutes
2.Writing TimeLetterReferral, Transfer, Discharge Advise/inform, Response (letter types)180-200 words Approximately40 minutes

OET Speaking Sub-Test

The OET speaking  subtest is in the form of a role play and every candidate will have to go through this part individually not as a group. The content  and the context  of the role play will be profession specific. The role play requires the test taker to  play his her role as a healthcare professional in real life which means if are physiotherapist in your professional life that’s what the role you are going to play in the test. The other role in the role play will be played by the interlocutor who acts as a patient, a client, a patient’s relative or someone who is responsible for the patient’s care. 

The duration of the OET speaking sub test would be approximately 20 minutes overall. The interlocutor will ask for your identification and a conversation about your professional background will take place. Then you will be provided with the role play cards and you will be given 3 minutes to prepare for the role play you can scribble notes on your role play card and you can even ask questions to  the interlocutor as to how the roleplays are carried out.  The test taker will have to return the cards to the interlocutor at the end of the test. Each roleplay will typically last about 5 minutes.

The role plays hypothetical situations from a healthcare establishments and are quite close to the ones a healthcare professional will face in his or her professional life. In order to ensure standardization and consistency the interlocutor will have to act according to the script.  The test is not about your knowledge on the subject rather it is a test on  your linguistic proficiency. 

PartType of materialDuration
Identification/IntroductionPassport1-4 minutes
PreparationRole play cards3 minutes
Role play 1Role play cards5 minutes
PreparationRole play cards3 minutes
Role play 2 Role play cards5 Minutes

Evaluation of the OET Speaking Sub-Test    

The evaluation of the speaking sub-test is carried out by a minimum of  two scorers. Each of these scorers are completely oblivious to the scores given by the other scorer  for the speaking sub-test or the scores that you have achieved in the other sub-test.  The test day interlocutor is not involved in the evaluation of your speaking test.

The  targeted parameters for OET speaking sub tests  are  specific not generic in nature. The parameters are linguistic as well as clinic

Linguistic Parameters

  • How Intelligible you are. Means whatever you are communicating to the interlocutor is understood clearly owing to your right pronunciation, intonation, accent, voice modulation,  audibility and pitch.
  • How fluent you are: checks whether your speech is a seamless act of communication and the rate of speech is not hindering the listener from understanding you.
  • How appropriate your language is: The potential effect  that you are going to have on your listener. Checks whether you are professional,  empathetic, courteous, comforting in your communications.
  • How effective your  grammar and expression:  checks whether you are accurate grammatically and the lexical resources you are using  is suitable for articulating  your ideas for the  listener’s understanding.

Clinical Communication Parameters

Two major parameters  tower above other parameters; they are listeners understanding and comfort. The other major aspects of verbal communication is checked in order to understand whether the interaction has achieved these  primary goals

Rapport building : Checks  how impactful your language is in building a rapport with the listener based on the empathy and respect that you have exhibited in your  conversation.

Understanding patient’s perspective: Checks  how effective  your language is involving the patient in the conversation.

Organization of  communication: Checks  how effective   the  structure of your articulation of information

Collection of information: Checks  how effective   the questions that you are asking to collect the information and how  keen are you listening to the responses that you elicited from listener.

Providing information: Checks  how effective  your communication is in providing the required information to the listener.

How OET is Scored ?

OET is currently scored on a scale of 0-500, There are distinct ways to assess  all four sub-tests. The following table gives you an indication of how these scaled scores could be interpreted in corresponding Band scores. ( as per official OET website)

  • A – 450 –  500
  • B – 350 –  440
  • C+-300 –  340
  • C – 200 –  290
  • D –100 –  190
  • E –   0 –     90

How does OET Scores Stack up Against IELTS?

The  comparison between OET and  IELTS scores can be done in the following way. IELTS bands are expressed numerically whereas, OET bands are expressed with alphabets A-to E. OET does not provide an overall band score for the all the modules rather the bands are reported individually for an OET sub test where as in IELTS there is an overall band.

OET  BandIELTS  Band
A8.0 – 9.0
B7.0 -7.5
C5.5 – 6.0
D< 5.5
E< 5.5

How Much Does OET cost in India?

The exam  will cost you $ 587 Australian dollars. You can make this payment through a credit  card or through Bank transfer. But if you register as a discounted group you can avail up to 30% discount. * The rates can be different and for accurate and uptodate information please visit OET official site : Click Here

How Can I Register for the OET examination?

In order to apply for the OET examination you should visit the OET official web page  complete the registration procedure by filling the application form provided. Once your ‘myOET’ profile is created you should be using this to do all the further interactions with ‘OET test owners’. Online registration through a Visa or MasterCard is the ideal way to register.  Make sure that you have your credit card, a digital photo and national identity card with you at the time of registration to ensure hassle -free registration. You can take OET test from from more than 40 different countries.

Complete the registration process through filling the form available in the link

How Long Will the OET Scores be Valid for ?

The  OET  scores will be valid for a period of 2 years from the time of their  first reporting.

OET is Accepted in the Following Countries

  1. Australia
  2. The UK,
  3. Ireland
  4. New Zealand
  5. Dubai
  6. Singapore Spain
  7. Ukraine
  8. Namibia.        

Who Recognizes OET ?

To know more about Who recognizes OET in detail visit the official link below

Who Owns OET?

OET is owned by Cambridge Assessment English and Box Hill Institute. Cambridge Assessment English is a Department of Cambridge University. The department operates as a not-for -profit. Box Hill Institute is a top education provider based in Australia. It is also active in other parts of the world too. The co-venture is known as CBLA

How Long OET has been Around?

The longevity of  a standardized test talks volumes about the its legitimacy and reliability.  Professionals from the healthcare industry has been served by this test for the last 30 years

Where Can I Take OET Test in Kerala?

You Can take your OET test from multiple locations in Kerala. The following are a list of service providers who proctor the OET test on behalf of the OET owner CBLA. The service providers location and the test centre can vary. So always follow the official communication ( Exam time table) or visit the website : OET Test Locations and Dates

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Brooklyn Review is the Best OET coaching center in Kannur, Kerala


There are a plethora of options available for the Healthcare professionals who are looking for the best OET coaching centers in Kerala. However if you are very particular about great quality then you don’t have many options; in fact you have Just ONE OPTION .. that is Brooklyn Review