Mr. George is an alumnus of the venerated Don Bosco Educational institutions run by Society of St. Francis de Sales. His long association with top corporate houses in the country helps us understand the nuances of serving our corporate clientele with élan. His decade long association with the educational sector, chiefly with the foreign education sector will help us transforming the lives of our students and our partners. A voracious reader and published author Mr. George Leads the R&D at Brooklyn Review. He is also an honorary director of the company.

Everything You Need to know about IELTS Listening.

Listening is one of the four sections of IELTS test. The other three sections are reading, writing and speaking. In the listening section of the IELTS test, the test-takers listen to a variety of recordings and answer questions as they listen. The recordings are either conversations or monologues. Some of the recordings will deal with social situations whereas others are concerned with education and training. The candidates can listen to the conversations or monologues only once.

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